1 Month of College, I think...

 It has been almost one month as a freshman in college, and the experience is outstanding. There are many people that are new and some familiar faces here and there. The classes are exciting with my major of choice, culinary, being an easy topic so far, but might get difficult in the future with learning new material. My core classes like English/Composition and Math/Algebra are the same like High School, but having different methods to teaching. My First-Year Experience class helps me a lot with understanding how college works, what to do when you need help, and how to get around. Its basically a cheat class with methods on how to work with College. My sociology class is... eh, ok. My professor goes a little too fast and when some one asks him to go back, he kind of gives you that look of, "I don't wanna go back, we need to keep moving forward." I have talked to some girls in the Student Union and Library (SUL) building where I mainly go to talk, relax, and study with all my work. I think College is fun and I really hope it continues!
